Never let an obstacle become and excuse!
If you are going to be a trailblazer, a way maker for the next generation; if you are going to leave a legacy, if you are going to posses the fullness of your inheritance in Christ you will have to break-through! Breakthrough the obstacles of accusations, lack, rejection, troubles, slander, threats, self-disqualification, hate, being counted out, and fear!
There are many Biblical Heroes that bear witness to us that with God Breakthrough in any situation is possible! Even when the obstacles seemed like a good excuse to withdraw, they remained on course. God gave them "umph" to get through and in every situation they had victory. It is in you like it was in them!
Abraham became the Father of the Promise...
-He had to break-through the self-disqualification of "being old."
Gideon became a Judge in Israel...
-He had to break-through the stigma of insignificance, fear, and self-disqualification.
David became King of Israel...
-He had to break-through rejection, threats, and being counted out.
Nehemiah became the Governor over Judah...
-He had to break-through the threats and the accusations of his enemies.
Joseph became a great leader in Egypt...
-He had to break-through abandonment, hate, slander, lack, and accusations.
-Daniel brought honor and glory to the name of God in Babylon...
He had to break-through the slander, hate, threats, and troubles.
It is too easy to surrender at the first encounter of resistance. But you have been made for more. There is more fuel in you, there is more fight in you. The Kingdom DNA that flows through your veins and the faith that you posses are the power behind your fight. Obstacles can detour you or they can make you stronger, versatile, and innovative.
Let nothing stop you! Let nothing stand in your way!! Never let an obstacle become an excuse! You can breakthrough, take hold of what is yours; leave a legacy of honor!
#NoExcuses #Authority #Faith #TrailBlazers #WayMakers #Legacy #Breakthrough
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