Kingdom Minded

We have all heard the saying, "so heavenly minded to be any earthly good."  I agree to a certain point, but can the opposite be true? Can someone be "so earthly minded to be any heavenly good?"

A person that is "too heavenly minded" forgets "earthly purpose," which can consist of: 
- Being a light in a World of darkness (Matthew 5:14-16) 
- Displaying and demonstrating the Love of God to the World (Mark 12:31) 
- Proclaiming the Gospel in Truth and in Grace (Mark 16:15) 
- Pursuing peace (Jeremiah 29:7) 
- Seeking Justice, Loving Mercy, and Walking Humbly (Micah 6:8)

The person that is "too earthly minded" forgets their heavenly purpose, which can consist of: - Glorifying God in ALL things (1 Corinth 10:31) 
- Loving and Living for God at ALL times (Proverbs 8:17) 
- Not becoming entangled with the ways of this World (1 John 2:15-17) 
- Striving to obey His Word (John 14:23)
- Making Worship a way of life (Romans 12:1-2)

Believers/Disciples are called to have a Kingdom Mind. Those with this mind understand that they need to be concerned with the affairs of both Heaven and Earth; doing one without the other is not the way of The Kingdom, it's not Kingdom minded.

Being Heavenly minded keeps us focused on God our Creator and Lord. This focus intensifies the intimacy of our relationship and love for our Heavenly Father above earthly ways and materialism (Colossians 3:1-3). This relationship with God will inspire wholesome earthly mindfulness.

Being Earthly minded causes the compassion of God to flow through us, so that we might be agents of righteousness and biblical change in the world that we live in (Matthew 6:33). This mind promotes the right kind of Love for a World that is in need of a Savior.

I am not suggesting perfection - I am only suggesting that being mindful and caring about both realms (Heaven and Earth) is Kingdom mindedness. We can be both earthly and heavenly good; both Glorify God and are marks of a Kingdom Mind.
Matthew 6:10 "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven."